Teaching laboratories

The instruction takes place in modern, well-equipped laboratories at our faculty campus. See what students are working on in the labs
Thesis Research Laboratory
The room serves as a practical D.I.Y. lab for students and is equipped with instruments such as an oscilloscope, signal generator, power supply, and multimeter. These are devices that contribute to the understanding of electronic components and are easily encountered in industry.
Responsible: Zoltán Szabó, Ph.D.
Room: SC2.83
Electrical Engineering and Installations Laboratory
In the lab, students connect a real-world electrical installations using common wire joints, as well as connecting individual modules in a design program in the case of a system (smart) installation. The laboratory also teaches the basics of electrical engineering and basic metering, with a separate workstation for each student.
Teaching laboratory for the courses Electrical Installations, Electrical Engineering Seminar, and Essential Electrical Engineering.
Responsible: Radim Kadlec, Ph.D.
Room: SC2.86
Small Classroom
The room allows teaching groups up to 10 students.
Responsible: Assoc. Prof. Miloslav Steinbauer
Room: SC3.63
Electrical Circuits Laboratory
The lab comprises 12 desks with Diametral VarioLab+ workbenches. Modern laboratory instruments are available on and at the desks, both as part of the functional extensions and separately. The lab teaches the designing of electronic circuits and allows students to mount PCBs and activate them.
Responsible: Assoc. Prof. Miloslav Steinbauer
Room: SC3.64
Electrical Measurements Laboratory
In the lab, students run experiments to practically verify the theoretical knowledge acquired in the course lectures. The equipment of the laboratory allows to verify basic and advanced methods of measurement of electrical and non-electrical quantities, assessment of measurements in terms of method error and uncertainties of measuring instruments. Laboratory tasks are designed such that students can prepare a report of the experiment and thus learn the principles for the designing of technical documents.
Teaching the courses Measurement in Electrical Engineering and Measurement in Audio Engineering.
Responsible: Zoltán Szabó, Ph.D.
Room: SC3.67
Electrical Engineering Laboratory
The lab facilitates verifying through practical experiments the theory acquired in the course lectures. Using the equipment, students can apply the basic and advanced methods for electrical circuit analysis and expose effects occurring in nonlinear electrical, magnetic, and harmonic steady state circuits; moreover, circuits with distributed parameters are practicable. The problems are designed such that students can design a report of the experiment to learn the principles for preparing technical reports.
Teaching courses Electrical Engineering 1 and 2
Responsible: Zoltán Szabó, Ph.D.
Room: SC3.81
Computer room
The medium-power stations satisfy the needs of teaching with more demanding softwares: simulation programs for electronic circuit design, programs for electromagnetic field calculations, and others.
Teaching the courses Electrical Engineering Seminar, Modelling of Electromagnetic Fields, Computer Modelling of Electrical Equipment and Components and C++ Seminar.
Responsible: Assoc. Prof. Miloslav Steinbauer
Room: SC4.69
Laboratory of electrical circuits
The laboratory is used for teaching the Designing of Electronic Circuits class. Room is equipped with 12 workstations with Diametral VarioLab+ workbenches. Modern laboratory instruments are used as integrated into the table structure or as a standalone. In class, students design, install and revive printed circuit boards.
Responsible: Assoc. Prof. Miloslav Steinbauer
Room: SC4.80