Safety in electrical engineering

Guarantor: doc. Ing. Miloslav Steinbauer, Ph.D.

Latest news

General informations

  • Act 250/2021 Coll. on work safety in connection with the operation of dedicatet technical equipment. Related NV:
  • Government Regulation No. 190/2022 Coll. on dedicated technical electrical equipment and requirements to ensure their safety
  • Government Regulation No. 194/2022 Coll. on requirements for professional competence to work on electrical equipment and for professional competence in electrical engineering
  • Dean's Directive No. 2/2022 Introduction to safety regulations for students.
  • Information about the achieved qualification is in the BUT Information System after logging in under Student, link in the Study menu and on this page there is a list of Achieved Qualifications
  • The validity period of achieved qualification is 3 years, students can check the validity in the electronic index in IS. It is the responsibility of each student to obtain the appropriate qualification and to ensure that it is renewed in a timely manner if it expires.
  • Students without a valid qualification will not be allowed to participate in the laboratory exercises.
  • Qualifications in safety obtained outside the FEKT are not accepted.

Notices and information

  • Mandatory Instruction for students in English degree programmes will take place on February 20 at 12:00 a.m. or February 25 at 5 p.m. in room SD1.49, Technicka 12.

Required qualifications of students

Students of the faculty shall be allowed to carry out such use and work on electrical equipment in the school laboratories and workshops as is appropriate to their progressively acquired professional knowledge and physical fitness, always under the supervision of a member of staff who is assigned to their professional guidance. In accordance with the Dean's directive, students are treated for their electrical qualifications in accordance with NV 194/2022 Coll. after appropriate instruction, training and examination as instructed persons (§4) or persons competent for independent activity (within the meaning of §6).

For the 1st and 2nd year of study, students must obtain the qualification of "instructed person", and for the 3rd year of study, the qualification of "competent person for independent activity", which is necessary for the independent realization of semester projects and bachelor theses in laboratories. The procedure for obtaining or renewing the qualification is described in the Dean's directive and also in the regulation for the relevant study programme, see above.

Students of master's degree programmes must have a valid electrical qualification within the meaning of Section 6 - "persons competent for independent activity".
Students who have not obtained the required qualification during their previous studies at FEEC must be instructed and examined no later than on start of the winter semester of the first year of study on the dates set by the RBEZ course guarantor.

Students from other faculties enrolled in courses implemented at the FEEC must obtain a qualification appropriate to the course classification before starting the course. The guarantor of such a course is obliged to specify the requirement for the electrical qualification in the course prerequisites in the IS BUT.
Such students are obliged to attend the instruction and examination on the dates together with the students of FEEC.

Students of all mobility study programmes, foreign internships and students of study stays within the framework of bilateral agreements on direct cooperation between universities or within the framework of "free movers" stays provided by the faculty, in cooperation with the head of the faculty's mobility programmes department and the RBEZ course guarantor, will be required to undergo a demonstrable amount of instruction and examination before the start of the course (based on previous electrical engineering experience and the type or field of study or activity planned at the faculty).

Mandatory Instruction and examination

Mandatory Instruction

Mandatory instruction takes place at the time and room specified in the regulation for the relevant study programme, see above. A record of the student's attendance at the instruction shall be kept in the form of an attendance register which the student must sign.

Validity of the qualification

The validity of the qualification obtained during the study is limited only to the laboratories and workshops of the FEEC BUT in Brno, the certificate of this qualification or experience is not issued in any case for third parties (temporary jobs, etc.). The period of validity of each examination is 3 years, students can check the validity in the electronic index in IS. It is the responsibility of each student to obtain the appropriate electrical qualification and to ensure that it is renewed in good time if it expires.

Study materials

English presentation Presentation.pdf